
You are ready for the next level again!

These are for you if :

  • You have reached a plateau in your personal/spiritual development and recognise it's time to go to a new next level

  • The tools and practices you are using aren't answering all your questions and/or you continue to face similar or repeat challenges whatever you try

  • You are a consultant, coach, leader, and influencer who wants to learn about an advanced holistic (science/spiritual) approach that will help you reach even greater fulfilment in all areas of your life

  • You have no qulams about investing in yourself and recognise it is a necessary step to see the changes you want to see in yourself and the world

    If you are not sure you are welcome to arrange an Exploration call to discuss your options and best fit program!

Living the Chakras: Part 1 Deep Dive Bundle

Awakening, Purification and Liberation + three shamanic sessions

A deep clean from toe to top, delivering you to a new mind-blowing perspectives of your reality. Come away feeling recharged, reborn and ready to go!

Alpha-Omega: Part Two Deep Dive Bundle

Experience the Goddesses of Radical Transformation + 3 Shamanic Sessions + 1 Pyramidex program

Resurrect your relationship to empowered feminine! Transcend the misconceptions and experience the connection, support and transformational power of 1) The Hindu Goddess, Kali 2) The Plant Teacher, Ayahuasca and 3) The Egyptian Goddess, Sekhmet

The Healing Spirits of the Four Directions Deep Dive Bundle

Evolve your hands-on energy work with the Medicine Wheel

Do you have training in hands-on energy work that you want to take to a new level? Develop your connection to your healing allies and learn how to use the Medicine Wheel to deliver a comprehensive five-part hands-on healing program to your clients. You'll need a volunteer to work with for this program!

Ancient Keys for a New Paradigm

The Runes

These keys were handed down to us from the Norse worlds, and to them, they were delivered from Odin as a result of his sacrifice for wisdom. The Runes invite you into their dimension of pagan animism that sees everything as having a spirit i.e. everything is conscious! Take your experiential understanding of symbols to a new level and fearlessly touch the primal rawness of life force that surrounds you all the time.

Ancient Keys for a New Paradigm

The Chinese I Ching

Initially created as a (whopping !) combo of both courses - which is still available as a two-year group program or mentored with Helen - you can now do the Runes and The I Ching one at a time. Although the subject may appear simple (we've intentionally created it this way to make he course as accessible as possible), the frequencies are advanced! The relationship between yin and yang is at the crux of who we are, how we relate, and the major upgrade of consciousness taking place at this time. If you want to get to the core of transformation, then with this course, you've come to the right place.

Alpha-Omega: Part 1

Life, Death and Transformation

This 5-week course allows you to dive right into the main subjects and approach of this work as you hone in on the three fundamental cornerstones of our thinking: What we think about 1) life and 2) death - and in turn how our beliefs about these inform our entire approach to 3) transformation.

Living the Chakras: Part Two

Bigger picture! Bigger questions!

Off we go again! Following the preparatory first part, you are now catapulted into entirely new terrain. Space/time, extraterrestrials, and the true nature of Spirit and Soul are just some of the themes you will explore as you head into the beyond and bring greater multidimensional awareness and breadth of vision into your everyday life!