
Do you have experience of hands on energy work (eg Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Pranic Healing - or another)? Would you like to incorporate a clearer connection with your healing spirits? Welcome to the Medicine Wheel!

This practical course provides you with the material, guidance and structure to offer a program of four in-person healing sessions to your clients as you experience spirit channelling through you!

The medicine wheel is a gift from the star family to the people of the Earth. A star family is a group of higher masters similar to the Galactic Council. They oversee the evolution of Earth energies as well as other planetary energies throughout the galaxy...

The star-family has interacted with native peoples for many centuries. There are many stories of the star family giving them information and energies...

The idea of the medicine wheel, as given to the earlier native peoples, focuses on creating telepathic communications with planet Earth and to the galaxy. The medicine wheel can be used to create a telepathic link to the wheel of incarnation... You can also look at the wheel of incarnation holographically. One of our primary teachings relates to holographic perception. We are helping you to expand your perceptual field so that you can open to the holographic world The third-dimensional world is linear and more confining. The higher percetion always includes holographic energies so that when you use this perception, you begin to see multiple levels.
- David K. Miller channelling in Expand Your Consciousness (2015)

There are a couple of options for taking this course: being Mentored individually or as part of a Group.

With each option, you will need to:

  • Set aside approximately 2-3 months
  • Read and work with the material and prepare for the sessions
  • Have a volunteer client who can commit to the program
  • Review your experiences and continue to deepen your connection with your healing helpers

    For further details click on the delivery option that interests you:

Schedule a Potential Client call with Helen

to discuss further