
Go beyond the seven physical chakras!

Upon completion of Part One of this course, you may feel ready - or called - to go further; evolve and expand to the next levels.

In Part Two we develop our exploration and attunements regarding time/space; get ready to step out of the box of linear reality and see how much more there is to perceive with circular, spiral and quantum perspectives of time - simultaneously!

From here we step into a clearer connection with what has been termed Spirit (in its array of presentations), Soul, Planetary and Universal consciousness - towards the understanding and realisation of Unity consciousness. All is the Self and the Self is the All.

The Absolute.

Throughout this course, what is called the Earth Star chakra keeps us firmly anchored in 3D reality, in our bodies and on this planet to ensure we are fully grounded in our everyday lives.

The ‘evolution of consciousness' is to awaken to the higher purpose of being here and living it in every moment;  in our bodies, on this planet, with the other people in our lives and communities - grounded and connected.

This is to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, to see the big picture in the minutiae and to interpret the messages and directions you left for yourself... to find your way home.

Living The Chakras: Part Two is an intermediate course that will stretch your perceptions, challenge your preferences and aversions, judgments and limiting beliefs - AND deliver you to extraordinary insights, make your reality more flexible and fascinating in every moment, with every breath. All the while keeping intact a solid sense of self, capable and ready for all that life has to deliver, and all that you came to co-create with it.

This course will ask for a re-commitment to yourself and an understanding that the path ahead is about refining your awareness, which can only be accompanied by (ongoing) life change.

This program is only available to those who have completed Living The Chakras: Part One and have taken the time to consider the commitment required for this second part. 


This is what we'll cover during this 22-month bimonthly program, where the material is spread over two months giving you plenty of time to contemplate the material, experience the exercises and observe the steady transformation in your life.

Week One - Prior to the monthly themes:


Months One and Two:
Kundalini, Chakras and the Gunas: The principles

Months Three and Four:
Earth Star Chakra (1)

Months Five and Six:
Causal Chakra (Time/Space) 

Months Seven and Eight:
Spirit Chakra

Months Nine and Ten:
Soul Chakra

Months Eleven and Twelve:
Earth Star Chakra (2)

Months Thirteen and Fourteen:
Stellar Gateway (1)

Months Fifteen and Sixteen:
Universal Consciousness (1)

Months Seventeen and Eighteen:
Stellar Gateway (2)

Months Nineteen and Twenty:
Universal Consciousness (2)

Month Twenty-one and Twenty-Two:
Course conclusion and consolidation.
The same format as previous months

Please note the structure of the course differs slightly from Living the Chakras: Part One. 

For each theme

you will receive

  • Detailed comprehensive course material
  • Two,  90 minute monthly consults with Helen
  • A bimonthly transmission
  • Three energy attunements with email exchange
  • Update email exchanges, each month as well as email exchanges following your transmission and three energy attunements
  • Six shamanic sessions spread over the 22-months

Detailed Course Outline

for Bimonthly Mentoring

  • Week 1: You'll receive the first modules regarding the Chakra of focus for the coming two months

  • Week 2: You will receive the second module

  • Week 3: You will have access to guidance that will support you with an energy transmission followed by email exchange

  • Week 4: You will access the Mid-Way module - which continues the discussion. We will have our first call this week

  • Week 6-8: There will be three energy attunements to do, supporting the transformation of any themes of the Chakra or anything that has personally arisen for you over the preceding weeks

  • Week 8: We will have our second call of the month

  • This is a full course. To support your full integration of the material a separate module has been created at the end to help your review and consolidate everything you have covered

Course curriculum

    1. Hello

    2. The Registration Form

    3. How Will It Work? - Course Outline

    4. For our Introductory call: Timeline and Family Tree

    5. Schedule the Calls

    6. Schedule the Transmissions

    7. Schedule the Energy Attunements

    8. My Contact Information

    1. Introduction to the course

    1. The Principle of Kundalini

    2. Understanding Kundalini & the Chakras

    3. References and Bibliography

    1. The Principle of The Gunas

    2. Why? Kundalini, Chakras and the Gunas

    3. References and Bibliography

    1. Beginning the session

    1. Kundalini, Chakras and the Gunas : Mid-Way Module

    2. Exercises to consider

About this course

  • 22 x $773.00
  • 143 lessons