Ancient Keys to a New Paradigm
Unlock your brand new era!
A two-year program working with a Rune each month
Recent interest in all things ‘Viking’ has lured many of us into the many worlds of the Norse pantheon of pagan gods.
At a time when healing the wounds of feminine victim/masculine perpetrator is so prevalent, the Norse reveal starkly different gender representation than we find in most modern-day Western societies (which are founded on the principles of patriarchal religions).
Importantly for us today, the Runes deepen our connection to and communication with nature. The seemingly basic symbols comprise (what would have been easy-to-carve) vertical and diagonal lines. Their modest representations belie the wealth they teach us about, for example, fertility, sexuality, chaos, warrior spirit, cycles of life and the quest for truth...
Sacrifice of the negative ego-self, in the pursuit of truth, is the Runes’ mythological origin story—Odin went to great lengths for wisdom. He sacrificed an eye, threw himself on his spear and hung upside-down for nine days and nights to receive the wisdom of the Runes from Mímir’s well. The Runes beckon us along the same spiritual warriors’ journey that brought their wisdom to the world. As was asked of him, Odin asks how much are we prepared to let go of for the insights we seek. However, he is not the only one with questions for us: numerous Norse deities are peppered across the 24 symbols, each with penetrating questions for the different facets of our lives.
—The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan
A 16-month program, where you work with a pair of hexagrams each fortnight
Let’s say that the crux of the Shift of Ages is the dissolution of—the perspective of—separation. This means a (literally) mind-blowing, if gradual, awakening to how we have related to the world outside our skin, i.e. that none of it is outside our skin at all.
Adjusting to this change in perspective involves facing and transforming the bias, prejudice and conflict in our familial, cultural, societal and political lineages that exist within ourselves i.e. excavating our beliefs that have kept the perception of separation in place. This profound revaluation, I believe, can be achieved with a modern-day experiential study of the I Ching teachings...
With its first publication in the late-ninth-century BCE, the text was intended to advise leaders in the management of their subjects and land. Today, the I Ching can not only deliver us to inner peace and simplicity, it can push on the boundaries of binary thinking and prepare us for multidimensional awareness.
—The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan
As the name indicates, these courses are keys to new paradigms, not only in thinking but in how you live your life.
The (whopper!) Combo two-year course - available as a Group course or mentored with Helen - starts with the Runes for the first nine months at which point you then birth into the I Ching component and the two courses are then experienced alongside each other.
Max and Helen are available to mentor the Rune course - and Helen can also mentor you through the I Ching and Combo options.
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