A two-year program, transforming duality in creativity, leadership, education, communication - and all your relationships.

Prepare to unlock a new world assisted by the Nordic Runes and the Ancient Chinese I Ching.

See Course page for additional details


How it will work

  • We ease into the course by focussing purely on the Runes for the first nine-months. After some background information we follow the schedule of exploring one Rune each month and what it has to share and transform with us

  • The transitional ninth-month starts with a comprehensive introduction to the I Ching - and from here to the end of the two-year courses, there will be two pairs of hexagrams to integrate with the monthly Rune

  • From the start of the course you will also be aware of a progression through the Chakras, with three-four months dedicated to each one, starting at the Root with the first Rune and ending with 'Beyond the seven Chakras' as you conclude the course. By which time your life will no longer be the same.

Course Description

In a couple of words - The Whopper!

In more words - This course is two courses in one. Starting with a monthly exploration of solely the Nordic Runes, until the 9th month when the I Ching element of the course merges during an integration month. Then, for the remaining 15 months the Runes and I Ching are explored alongside each other. This course design, of two merging into one, mirrors the primary aim of this course which is to bridge the polar aspects of yourself, and find your own unique middle way. Your new paradigm that you prefer to see mirrored in the world around you - and you will!

This is the ‘be the change you want to see in the world ‘ course. Connecting you to archetypes, symbols, myths and cultures from across time, that span the world, you will be taking a step at a time towards a new paradigm of integration, inclusivity and harmony while stepping away from an old paradigm of polarity (light/dark, good/bad, right/wrong, liberal/conservative, masculine/feminine etc), conflict and separation.

As with all TWRR courses, you will experience metamorphosis across all areas of your life, however, we will be focusing on the cornerstones of every society - leadership, education, creativity, and the glue that binds them; relationships and communication.

An explanation in advance for why the practicalities to follow may at first seem complicated. The material in this course invites you into higher states of awareness, broad far-reaching concepts, while you simultaneously plumb new depths of yourself. 

Woah! That all sounds far out!! 

Exactly so - it certainly is. 

This is why all of the more advanced courses that we offer at TWRR have practical and organisational aspects that take a bit more effort and management on your part. This is to ensure that you are integrating what you are learning in your life because you will be literally doing things in a new way for the course - which correlates to practical changes (significantly!) taking place in your life.

Rather than you simply consuming new information month after month, your interactive efforts to ‘keep up with the program’ (😁 - so to speak) is an energetic agreement to commit - yes to the course - although more importantly to yourself.


“Action is the language of physical reality” - Bashar

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This course requires substantial commitment, to discuss further please get directly in touch with Helen and/or schedule a potential client call.

Creator of TWRR, Mentor, Shamanic Facilitator, Author, Neuroscience Ph.D. Helen Mosimann-Kogan

As a mentor to coaches, therapists, and leaders, Helen is dedicated to illuminating the intricacies of the holographic nature of consciousness and reality. Her teachings delve into the transformative power of understanding the multidimensional self, guiding clients to explore the depths of their soul psychology. This exploration encompasses purpose, personal, familial, and collective themes, as well as the intricacies of karma. Helen's approach empowers individuals to embrace a heightened awareness, facilitating a journey towards living increasingly enriching and fulfilling lives.