A 24-month Self-Study program integrating Chakra clearing and consciousness upgrades

Allow the Norse gods, their worlds and their Oracle to open the doors to new dimensions of your awareness.

Course Description

Recent interest in all things ‘Viking’ has lured many of us into the many worlds of the Norse pantheon of pagan gods.

At a time when healing the wounds of feminine victim/masculine perpetrator is so prevalent, the Norse reveal starkly different gender representation than we find in most modern-day Western societies (which are founded on the principles of patriarchal religions).  

Importantly for us today, the Runes deepen our connection to and communication with nature. The seemingly basic symbols are comprised of (what would have been easy-to-carve) vertical and diagonal lines. Their simplistic representations belie the wealth they teach us about, for example, fertility, sexuality, chaos, warrior spirit, cycles of life and the quest for truth. The mother and father are venerated equally, as are counterparts and siblings. Across the nine Norse worlds, each deity, whether large or small — literally from a giant snake-dragon wrapped around the world to dwarves — has a unique purpose in the workings of the entire tree of life, Yggdrasill. This radically more colourful, multi textured, intricately woven tapestry of family-life than one father figure directing the show has much to teach us in this modern age.

Sacrifice of the negative ego-self, in the pursuit of truth, is the Runes’ mythological origin story — Odin went to great lengths for wisdom. He sacrificed an eye, threw himself on his spear and was hung upside-down for nine days and nights to receive the wisdom of the Runes from Mimir’s well. The Runes beckon us along the same spiritual warriors’ journey that brought their wisdom to the world. As was asked of him, Odin asks how much are we prepared to let go of for the insights we seek. However, he is not the only one with questions for us: numerous Norse deities are peppered across the 24 symbols, each with penetrating questions for the different facets of our lives. 

Not all the Runes are named after a god/goddess, but you will find many of their adventures, teachings and worlds are multidimensionally carved into the deceptively simple-looking symbols.”

From The Little Book of Self Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

Course Outline

for Monthly Mentoring

  • Supplementary background material is provided at the start of the course giving you an understanding of the Norse people, their culture and mythology

  • Week 1: You'll receive the material regarding the Rune of the month

  • Week 3: You will have access to guidance that will support you with three energy transmissions

  • In addition to the Rune material you will be guided through a process of Chakra clearing from Root to Crown - and Beyond the Crown!

You will receive

  • Two, 90-minute consult calls each month

  • Three energetic attunements with email exchange each month

  • Two additional update emails each month

  • A bonus Introductory and Conclusion Call

  • Six, two-hour Shamanic Sessions spread across the program

Course curriculum

    1. Hello

    2. The Registration Form

    3. Course Schedule

    4. The Mentoring Elements

    5. For our Introductory call: Timeline and Family Tree

    6. Book our Calls

    7. Book the Energy Attunements

    8. My Contact Information

    1. General Introduction to AKNP: Runes

    2. Introduction to AKNP: Runes

    3. The History of the Runes

    4. Mythical Origins of the Runes

    1. Fehu and the Nine Norse Worlds

    2. Introducing Fehu

    3. Theme 1: Wealth, Abundance and Fulfillment

    4. Theme 2: Power, Strength, Stamina

    5. Theme 3: Fertility, Creation and the Cosmic Fire

    6. Key Elements

    1. The Nine Norse Worlds

    2. Bibliography

    1. Rune Energy Attunements

    2. First Session

    3. Second Session

    4. Third Session

    1. Uruz and the Nordic Gods

    2. Theme 1: Intitation

    3. Theme 2: Form and Re-formation

    4. Key Elements

    5. References

About this course

  • 24 x $646.00
  • 246 lessons

Payment Options

Please schedule a Potential Client Call before registering