"Leaders don't create more followers, they create more leaders."

Tom Peters

At some point on any journey we want to share what we have learned to help others, it’s a natural continuation of our own progression and a profound journey of further self-development. 

Whether you are already a guide or mentor or you would like to be, The White Rabbit Reveals offers courses and memberships to support this path, where many of our two-year programs are designed to prepare you for this.

In addition, the Hall of Mirrors membership is tailored to individuals who already have their own clientele or those who want to start from scratch and eventually mentor others.

We currently offer certification programs licensing you to deliver our Tarot for Transformation, Living the Chakras: Part One and Ancient Keys to a New Paradigm courses.

As a Hall of Mirrors member, you receive the following ongoing professional-development benefits:

  • Five one-to-one calls a year to discuss your development, client experience, aims etc.
  • Inclusion in our annual, three-day AGM
  • Participation in forums for sharing best practices, resources and ongoing support
  • The opportunity to write and receive By the Light of the Moon blog posts shared by the group members
  • Additional promotional opportunities as we develop our offerings and social media presence
  • Annually, you will be provided with an updated certificate to display on your website as proof of your ongoing professional development

"Teaching without learning is just talking"

K. Patricia Cross - Scholar of Education Research

"I help people as a way to work on myself, and I work on myself to help people ... to me, that’s what the emerging game is all about."

Ram Dass

If you would like to take your professional development even further, the Let's Do This membership is the commerce arm of The Hall of Mirrors.

This means that you will receive:

  • Set up, inclusion, updates and promotion of you and your offerings on this website
  • Payments for your courses will be processed and sent directly to you as a Thinkific Instructor 
  • An additional AGM day to discuss promotional activities
  • Updates and communication throughout the year on the direction of and opportunities within the organisation
  • Customised training for additional licences (e.g. the Alpha-Omegas) including training to consult with groups

Ariadne's Thread

The nitty gritty of holographic consciousness

Each fortnight you will work with one Law of Thinking (by Sam Kogan - updated by HMK) and one Verse on Reality (Ramana Maharshi) to fine-tune your understanding of the mechanics of your mind! Highly recommended for consultants with or wanting to establish a professional practice.

Customisable Training

You may have specific interests or areas that you want to focus on. Let Helen know and this can be incorporated into a course just for you!