Leave this comprehensive coaching program ready to sign up clients into structured programs and be eligible for certification

A Comprehensive Two-Year Training Program: The Tarot and the Chakras

 "True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness that goes through successive stages."  

Ancient Egyptian Quote

Step into a transformative journey with one of our key signature programs delivered by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

Designed for those ready to embark on a path of deep self-enquiry and personal growth while developing the skills to become a guide, mentor or coach.

This program blends ancient wisdom with the insights of Holographic Transformation to fully prepare you — and help you to prepare others —for a new era of rapid consciousness expansion.

Join us on this committed journey of self-enquiry and personal transformation.

Why These Programs?

Tarot for Transformation and Living the Chakras are two of The White Rabbit Reveals' signature courses but we have recognised how foundational and valuable they are at providing a clear and evolving path through what would otherwise be a soup of the Self.

Tarot for Transformation:

"The major arcana depicts a journey of self-development, where the word arcana means ‘secrets’ or ‘mysteries’... The cards reveal the 'mysterious' patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour that are unique to us—for us to explore further."  

The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

The Major Arcana of the Tarot has long been a tool for profound self-exploration, guiding individuals through a step-by-step journey of self-development. At TWRR we work with the Tarot to help you:

  • Expand your awareness and interpretation of signs, symbols and the mechanisms of holographic nature consciousness. 
  • Become independent and then increasingly interdependent in how you navigate different areas of your life and life itself.
  • Understand how this framework can be used as path through the process of transforming negative beliefs and out-dated notions – for the re-creation of one's reality.

Living the Chakras:

"Although translated as ‘wheels’, the Chakras can be explained as energetic bridges that connect us—as separate, physical, three-dimensional beings—to higher dimensions. Or as the early traditional texts explained, Brahman, the highest universal principle, emanates into us descending through the lightest Chakra at the crown, to the densest Chakra at the root. All the Chakras can be viewed as contact points between the individual self and the one unified consciousness.

To understand the function of Chakras in our everyday lives is to understand how these bridges have been blocked by trauma, karma, emotional wounding and environmental pollution—and the effect this has on how we experience our lives. Blocked or wounded Chakras distort our perspective of reality and, unless cleared and balanced, they keep creating more of the same distortions, on repeat."

— The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

Chakras and Kundalini are words often heard and used but rarely completely understood. We have some notion of what they mean and where they are but what is their function in our everyday lives? 

This aspect of the program of experiential understanding provides you with the understanding, purification and upgrade of each of the first seven Chakras to feel life-force as a tangible presence coursing through your life. 

The Chakras are an essential guide for anyone's self-care toolkit as a tool for navigating the self and the challenges that can show up.

Unique to The White Rabbit Reveals you will work with The Chakras alongside the Major Arcana, as a holistic cross-pollinating pathway to experience full mind-body-spirit integration! 

Working with these two systems simultaneously enhances your awareness of interconnectivity, which expands your consciousness, promoting greater sovereignty, self-worth and holistic wellbeing.

Launch Date January 1st 2025
Pre-sell open NOW

Registration Closes December 15th 2024

Program Highlights

  • Know Thyself more Clearly, Deeply and Intimately - to be able to relate to others in the same capacity.

  • Develop your Understanding and Awareness of the Universal Language of Symbols.

  • Learn how the Tarot and Chakras can serve as Valuable Frameworks for Personal Development..

  • Learn how to deliver consults, long-distance energy work, and hand-on energy work.

  • Receive all the necessary basic training you need to start out as a coach, or enhance your existing coaching skills.

  • Four Programs in One: Delve into the timeless wisdom of the self through the: Tarot, Chakras, Life-Death-Transformation teachings and the Native American Medicine Wheel.

  • Leave the course eligible and supported to deliver a Tarot Club or Chakras Club (alongside our workbooks).

  • And be eligible for certification to deliver the 12/24 months Tarot for Transformation fully inclusive mentoring program.


For our Two-Year Training Programs (which have had different names along the way)

“I first committed to The Two-Year Program (TYP) because I instinctively 'knew'. Heart said 'Yes, I am and I can' before head had a chance to question why. This is entirely appropriate, as this is what TYP is for - to assist you to clear and receive your own pure channel of intuition and higher knowing. For some time, I have wanted a form of ongoing personal development, that is both structured and fluid, that resonates at a consistently high vibration. I had already benefited from several TWRR experiences - one-to-ones with Helen and on Mobile Mystery School (MMS) tours - which helped to support the decision; however, this two-year commitment is another level again because it guides you to clear old thinking and behaviour from your life, and integrate new awareness and action into your life, as you are living it...all while holding you account (to yourself) to do so. I've benefited from many and varied beautiful and stretching transformational personal development experiences over the years. This, for me at this time, elevates the whole concept of personal transformation into the most expansive, real and grounded one yet. At the same time, this alchemical process can be limitless! Helen is the 'guardian' of TWRR as its guiding force - and she trusts its process throughout her entire being. Her humility knows that this is not about her - it's about each individual's own experience....and owning their own experience. But this humility is not to shrink - quite the opposite! Through her loving presence comes gentle power, the wisdom of her extensive personal journey, and utter transparency and commitment to each participant's growth and freedom; all with the gratitude to appreciate her own ongoing evolution. She may start as the 'master keyholder', with a vast collection of tools, resources and experiences to share - until you begin to realise - and choose - to hold your own keys for your own life. Here you are in a safe place to practice them and build confidence in yourself and their use for your own mastery. I also learn a huge amount from the small group dynamic, with each bringing so many different fractal pieces of the whole puzzle. The different forms of monthly interaction ensure a flow of mirrored learning; and the annual residential takes all of that to another level again.”

“There is only one word I can think of that fully encompasses the impact of The Two-Year Program (TYP) — AWAKENING. This course has completely changed my life. It has opened me up in ways I am only beginning to understand. I have never had more appreciation for life itself. I came to TYP at a time in my life in which I was very lost. I believed life was a waste, and that there was really no point in being alive. I was asking big questions, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “What is the point of existence?”. TYP gave me the greatest gift of all, the opportunity to answer these questions for myself by reconnecting with my higher self. A person cluttered with the co-dependencies and self-sabotaging patterns learned by living many lives on earth has a limited access to the subtleties of the higher mind. TYP has helped me clear through this clutter which has given me the opportunity to become my own teacher, my own healer, my own guru. Helen and The White Rabbit Reveals have empowered me by awakening me to my own divinity… to my own light. The journey has been one of ups and downs, yet exhilarating and always full of love with the support of TYP and the beautiful beings I have been lucky to learn with and from. What I have gained from TYP can’t really be put into words. I have learned how to make the most out of every single situation I find myself experiencing. I have learned how to derive meaning from all that is happening around me. I have truly begun to take responsibility for my life and that has allowed me to start creating a life I have always dreamed of living. A portal has been opened and I feel ready to live my life and thrilled to be living it completely awake. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you to TWRR, and of course Helen.”

“I have immense gratitude to TYP for how it has supported and facilitated great changes in my experience of life, just 10 months in my life is unrecognisable & I have developed a sense of excitement about how it’s unfolding. As a result of TYP my intuition is becoming much louder and I’m making clearer heart centred decisions and much more familiar with how to manifest my preferred reality. Self realisation is happening on a much deeper level than ever before and I am ‘becoming my own teacher and my own parent’ well on my way to ‘becoming 100 times more than I had ever thought I was capable of becoming.’ I recommend TYP to anyone who is genuinely ready to embrace change and work through anything that stands in the way of that.”

"TYP has been the most exciting, challenging and beautiful experience of my life. I have learnt a completely new way of being with myself, a way where I am becoming truly aware of my own thinking, it has brought with it massive changes in my life, and has assisted me to a place where I have been able to completely change longstanding destructive patterns, and put in their place new thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. The way Helen has created this course is remarkable and has intertwined a deep understanding of the mind and science along with Tarot and Energy work that has shown me a deep connection in myself that I always knew I had but I am now experiencing. I would recommend TYP to anyone who wishes to be more connected to their higher self and intuition, and wish to be able to see a bigger picture in their life”.

"What I am learning with TYP is the value of myself. This is one of the gifts of the teachings of TWRR and Helen, that it is all about and values the individual. That thinking ¨it´s all about Me¨ is not egotistical but in fact the Truth. TYP is teaching me to appreciate ALL of life and every aspect of myself. It is showing me how to see VALUE in every experience I have, as every single experience is a piece of the puzzle that helps me to greater understand myself and have gratitude for the jigsaw of life; even the uncomfortable or painful pieces fit. And I have a greater curiosity to find out about aspects of myself I may have previously been choosing to ignore, and this feels very freeing because it is redefining the concept of the shadow. TYP challenges me to see and think bigger, from a higher, all-seeing perspective and is guiding me to expand the way I view myself and what I am capable of. Which in turn is showing me how to see this in others and in how the world works. What I may have thought of as impossible for me, or not even considered, now seems possible and this creates a sense of excitement, wonder, and freedom. TYP is teaching me that power is not who is loudest, prettiest or richest, but rather power comes from self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-acceptance. My life has changed through my participation in this course because it is a way of life and it teaches integration and practical application of Higher Learning. This is showing me how I can have a spiritual life and also be able to manage worldly responsibilities such as finance and relationships; because they are one and the same. My gratitude to The White Rabbit Reveals and to Helen for her immense capacity, patience, vision, and humility with this work.”

"What an extraordinary passage. The program has changed my life. With the Tarot as a framework, it has become easier, clearer and more intuitive to identify and work with themes, patterns, signs and symbols within my every day. Now, with a broader perspective, I have a greater understanding and acceptance of the experiences I have. Not only that, but I also have the tools to make course-corrections within my life. One of the aspects that drew me to the program was to ¨hold the keys to my life in my hands¨. And much of what I was discovering of myself was how I had given my keys away. Having now come to the end, I find they are in my hands again...And I feel ready, more than ever, for the ride!Every aspect of the program has been given careful consideration and maintains a structured approach while allowing flexibility to change and adapt to meet the needs of both individuals and the group as a whole. I have found this acted as a model and influenced how I have viewed the details and actions in my own life, bringing more awareness and care to what I do, say and think. There were many opportunities within the program to put into practice and receive feedback regarding all that was being learnt through readings, energy attunements and group calls (in addition to day-to-day). I believe I now have a solid foundation for my professional development as well as and alongside my personal growth. Helen is authentic, tenacious, wise and has an unwavering trust in it ´all´; an incredible mentor, guide and role model to have on the journey. It was not always a comfortable or easy ride, and to know that you are held, supported and loved at every twist and turn, is the greatest of gifts. Thank you xx"

"I truly don’t even know where to begin when sitting down to write about my experience of The AZOTH Key (TYP). I was 21 when I signed up for this course and I am serious when I say that I had no “clue” what stepping into this river of consciousness would do to “me”. If anything I thought I was going to strengthen my energy healing abilities and learn to read Tarot. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I signed up. A little voice in my heart said “You gotta do this.” And so I did. And now here I am, two years later — a new human being. New eyes. New ears. A new heart. It’s funny, you’d think after two years I should “know more”. Only I don’t. I know less. I somehow feel at peace in the unknown, with the understanding that it is here where true freedom lies. The AZOTH Key was a rebirthing process. As I sit here writing I feel like both an 80 year old man and a newborn baby. My eyes are wide open as I take in this world in ways I never thought possible. With a new and stronger connection to my higher self and a solid understanding of holographic consciousness I am able to live in tune with life. In resonance with truth. Willing and able to ride the waves of change while being centered in my heart and grounded on this planet. Open to new ways of thinking, being, creating. And always curious. I’m leaving The AZOTH Key both humbled and fearless. For it is in this newfound vulnerability that I am finding my true strength. A knowing that as I open my heart to more of myself and the world, I will be able to handle whatever comes my way as I now have the tools to digest and integrate life as it is happening so that I can do what it is that brought me to sign up for this course — walk my talk. This course, if you let it, will not only change your life, but gift you with a new life. A life you may have never known you could be living, but in the depths of your heart had always dreamt of. Thank you."

"The Two Year Program with Helen and my group members has changed my life in the most profound of ways. I have learnt to see behind the veil of my conditioning, patterns and all that does not serve me so as to begin my living and creating my life from a place of authenticity and deep self resonance. Words cannot truly express how I feel about the experience I have had and what I have seen, processed, unpacked, resolved, seen more of, the support and guidance I have received and the knowledge and wisdom I have acquired. I am beyond grateful to Helen and this program. I look forward to working with her again."

"The Two Year Programme is really an initiation, a journey in which I had a series of experiences that left me with no doubt about the holographic nature of the universe, it also helped me to gain a clearer understanding of how the mechanics of this actually works. It was very thorough and in depth way of really getting to know myself and how I tick, experiencing the TYP was the single most life changing decision I have ever made.The group dynamic magnified its effects by giving me the opportunity to learn from what others were also experiencing in their own ways throughout this process, and it gave me the ability to observe how any change affecting the individual would also ripple out and simultaneously affect the rest of group also. Before TYP I was at the whim of so many deep rooted, inherited and conditioned beliefs about myself, people, society and life, causing quite an unpleasant impact on my day to day experiences. I was shown a process of how to identify and transform these beliefs that were limiting me, many of which were not even visible to me at first. I felt safe and held by Helen and the group as I went through the process of recalibration and this new way of interacting with life entirely. I have now gained the tools and experience to be able to continue this process for myself now and through implementing this I'm going from strength to strength in all areas. With immense gratitude to TYP, for all that I have been shown and all that has been realised. It has been a blessing beyond what words can convey!"

"This course will take you above and beyond duality — to a space where all is valid, all has its place, and there isn’t one aspect of you that can’t be bathed in loving awareness. Working with the Nordic Runes connected me to the wisdom of the earth, the elementals, and the nature spirits in a profound and practical way. While the I-Ching opened me up to an even more ancient wisdom deep inside my own being — the intelligence of nature, the Tao. All that I intended to work through by signing up for this course has manifested in some way or another. Each intention was fulfilled, and never in the way I thought it would be! But isn’t that part of what makes the journey interesting? The two year program kept its promise — to deliver me into a new paradigm. A paradigm where I have a profound respect for the sanctity of all beings. The design of the Two Year Program as a group course drastically opened my heart to working with others and completely transformed my understanding of what leadership means. Rather than viewing leadership as a “top-down” dynamic, TYP revealed an entirely new format… one that required me to humble myself, to see all as myself, and to really be curious about, receptive of, and compassionate towards others. TYP allowed me to see myself from countless angles and to develop unconditional love for myself and others which made me more confident in my ability to be there for my clients and really anyone who comes into my life. Since completing this course, I have felt a more circular, inclusive, and expansive energy enter my consciousness. It has reshaped the structure of my inner world — which has and continues to reshape my outer world. I have sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for this course, for Helen, and for the soulmates that joined me on this two year journey. Thank you."

Your Learning Experience Includes:

📞 Two Monthly Group Calls: Participate in two-hour group calls, fostering collective wisdom, shared experiences and see the hologram of the group at work!

📞 One Monthly Individual Consults: A 90-minute personal consult to delve deeper into your journey.


  • Year One: The Minor Arcana
  • Year Two: Long-Distance Energy Work - how to deliver Energy Attunements

💫 Three Monthly Energy Attunements - with written feedback

🤝 Call Hosting and Facilitation Skills: Learn and practice hosting calls with supportive feedback.


Intensive 5-day Alpha-Omega Program: Group Program with exercises, meditation, and additional material - delve into the foundations of Life, Death and Transformation:

  • As we transform Old Paradigm perspectives of polarity, difference and separation, we recognise the need to recalibrate many of our long-standing, hereto rarely questioned core beliefs.

  • It doesn’t get much more 'core' than our beliefs about life, death and transformation.
    Our beliefs about these three things are some of the most influential on even simple everyday choices, behaviours and all of our relationships.

  • This 5-day intensive offers you the opportunity to open a back door into your consciousness and learn how these beliefs have been invisibly creating your reality and are already creating your future. 

  • Shining a light on these mysteries will unlock greater self-awareness and the general awareness that life,  death and transformation are happening in every moment.

  • Like death, are you holding life at bay or are you ready to embrace it fully?


This five-day retreat in Switzerland is a joyful opportunity to come together with your fellow participants and connect with The Healing Spirits of the Four Directions and learn to facilitate hands-on energy work!

Do you have basic experience of hands-on energy work? Would you like to incorporate a clearer connection with your healing spirits? Welcome to the Medicine Wheel!

This program provides you with all the material, guidance, practice and structure to start offering four in-person healing sessions to your clients as you experience spirit channelling through you!

“The idea of the medicine wheel, as given to the earlier native peoples, focuses on creating telepathic communications with planet Earth and to the galaxy. The medicine wheel can be used to create a telepathic link to the wheel of incarnation... You can also look at the wheel of incarnation holographically. One of our primary teachings relates to holographic perception. We are helping you to expand your perceptual field so that you can open to the holographic world. The third-dimensional world is linear and more confining. The higher perception always includes holographic energies so that when you use this perception, you begin to see multiple levels.
— David K. Miller channelling in Expand Your Consciousness (2015)

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is an Energy Attunement (EA)?

    An EA works with your higher-self and your self across multi-dimensional planes, e.g. astral, past-lives, parallel lives, family/bloodlines, culture etc. as you need at the time. They are incorporated to develop your intuition, your connection with your higher self, soul - whichever label you use. The EAs support your development of a meditative and reflective state that, over time, can increasingly be integrated with your everyday awareness. Further details will be provided once the course is on its way.

  • What's the policy about recreational drug and alcohol use?

    Prolonged or regular use of recreational drugs inhibits: i) a clear understanding and retention of information and ii) the efficacy of the energy work. In the long term, you will be disappointed with your progress. Please note, even one-off use of marijuana, alcohol or other substances close to the time of energy sessions or calls can hamper the benefits. If any of the above applies to you or if you have any questions about this, please discuss with your consultant prior to starting the program.

  • What takes place during a consultation?

    Primarily, we will discuss any pressing issues in your life at this time, areas of confusion where you require clarity and suggestions will be made as to steps you can take to change the direction of things so that you feel more aligned with your experience i.e. feel increasingly in charge of your life, rather than victim of it. The consultations provide you with different perspectives on what is happening and how you can work with the situation, understanding why it is happening and how it is assisting in your overall development. The consultant will work with their intuition (can be called psychic abilities or connection e.g. clairvoyance/clairaudiance) and from their understanding and experience, to share insights and messages that can help broaden your understanding of the current themes you are exploring in your life - and often be able to connect them to the overall direction of your life path. Nothing takes place by accident nor in isolation - everything is connected - understanding this helps us gain a clearer perspective on why we are experiencing what we are, and why certain situations (especially ones that trigger negative emotions and beliefs) can repeat again and again.

  • What takes place on the Group Calls?

    The facilitator of the course will go around the group and speak with each person in turn, discussing their observations, current life situation and any recent notable events. The facilitator will include their observation of parallels and connections between participants and how the group are working together as a hologram, each person reflecting different aspects of each other. These calls often include discussion of the connection to collective themes and humanity's expansion into higher states consciousness.

  • Why is the course priced as is?

    The course is completely all inclusive of everything included on this page for the entire two years - apart from travel, accommodation and expenses for the retreat in the second year. The price reflects the value and professionalism we provide (see our testimonials) and solid foundations that you can be confident of, as you move on from the course and work with your clients. Our approach has been 40+ years in development, it has been thoroughly tried and tested and is subject to continuous review and updates.

  • How can I pay?

    Please contact the facilitator of the program to arrange direct payment in full or in instalments. They will then provide you with further details about the next stages of onboarding from there.

  • Will I be notified when a new lesson is available?

    Alas, no this platform doesn't allow us to do this just yet. We recommend that when you review the course schedule you make note of when the new lessons are available and set up your own calendar reminders to check your course for new material. This platform will only send you a notification if a week has passed since new material was made available and you haven't accessed it.

  • What is expected of me?

    Your commitment. You are required to schedule your one:one calls and energy attunements, and confirm attendance on the group calls. Within 24 hours of your energy attunement you will be asked to share written feedback of your experience. For the progression of the course in general, the main skills you will be developing are that of observation of your self, others and your environment while contemplating the current subjects of the course. Our calls will be opportunities to share your experiences, ask questions and keep keeping an open mind! 🤗

All inclusive

(excluding flights, accommodation and personal expenses for the in-person retreat in Year Two)

2 x monthly 2-hour group calls

2 x monthly 1-hour personal consults

3 x monthly energy attunements with written feedback

5-day Online Webinar (Year 1) - Alpha-Omega 1: Life, Death and TransformationThe fundamentals of transformation

5-day In person Retreat (Year 2) - Healing Spirits of the Four DirectionsLearn hands on energy work

4 x 2-hour Bonus Calls - Cover the Minor Arcana and Long Distance Energy Work

*One year of training in hosting consult calls (covered on our group calls)

Certification to deliver Tarot for Transformation, subject to annual renewal fee (please ask to discuss details)

🔥 HOT BONUSES for those ready to commit:

Each year: 3 x 2-hour Shamanic Sessions - (worth $1996) 

24 x The White Rabbit Reveals larger group calls - (worth $888) 

Schedule your call to discuss enrolment to:

Unlock the secrets of the Tarot

Discover the depths of the Chakras

Transform your life with ancient wisdom tailored for the modern day

And start paving the way for a path to help others do the same!