Learn Holographic Healing with Shamanic Journeying

"When we start to study nonphysical phenomena, we will progress more in ten years than we have for centuries." - Nikola Tesla

📆 Zürich, Switzerland: August 12-16, 2024 📆 

Are you a Seeker, Coach/Mentor/Guide, Life-long learner interested in the expansion of consciousness?
Do you find yourself (and/or your clients) repeatedly coming back to the same blockages and thought patterns, frustrated that the usual techniques (spiritual philosophies, personal development quick fixes, belief/mindset analysis, Law of Attraction, affirmations, exploring childhood conditioning etc) aren’t working?

This frustration may stem from the need for healing at the multidimensional self level—the Soul’s Journey.
I'm Helen Mosimann-Kogan. For nearly 20 years, I’ve developed Holographic Transformation, influenced by my experiences in energetic healing (vibrational medicine), and the profound teachings from plant medicines and shamanic practices around the world. 

This retreat is designed to provide participants with a solid foundation to understand and experience the depths of shamanic journeying within the personal transformation process—enhanced by holographic insights!

Leave this retreat with tools you can use to both support your onward journey of consciousness expansion and catalyse and flourish the journeys of others, in a fully grounded and integrated way! 

Retreat Overview
Our location, in the peaceful surrounds of a beautiful Swiss village with the best view of the alps in the entire canton, is the prime location to learn the essentials of Shamanic Journeying whilst experiencing the breadth and depth of its possibilities. 
Think of it as the AI of healing, once you have the right question, the process will carry you to the precise answer and the corresponding process of healing and transformation.


Program Benefits

  • Establish and Develop a clear and supportive connection with your guides

  • Experience deep clearing of stubborn limiting patterns of thought, emotion and behaviour

  • Learn how the 1-13 Chakra system corresponds to different levels of the healing process

  • Learn about the upgrades happening to human operating system that ensure full spiritual-material integration for a grounded and practically supportive experience of transformation

  • Have an understanding of the fundamental shamanic tools you can use for your on-going self care during times of rapid consciousness expansion and (if you are a guide/coach) can introduce introduce in your professional practice


Before I met Helen, I was new to shamanism and shamanic offerings. Having little idea about what to expect (except the unexpected) I had my first session last year when I was feeling particularly stuck with an issue. I knew any solution lay beyond my mind, since I had tried to use it to understand to no avail. What was cleared through in that first session was the catalyst to continue to have several more sessions over the past six months, with each one I felt the same feeling of clarity and lightness. They also gave me such depth of understanding into events/situations/dynamics that have been effecting my current life, something for me that is invaluable. Motivation to keep moving forward, to keep finding out more about who I am and letting it go. I would recommend Helen’s work without hesitation to all and anyone looking to go deeper, to find out more and to clear it out to live an ever fulfilling life in-line with your soul’s purpose.

When I booked a shamanic session, it was to gain more clarity and feel grounded. The session did that and much, much more. Energy was cleared, past parallel lives were released and space was created to form new, deeper, stronger relationships with myself which I can now carry through into my everyday life. Helen’s shamanic sessions are extraordinary, be prepared to walk away feeling transformed - it’s a wonderful feeling.

Shamanic sessions with Helen are on par to the level of depth and awakening that you would receive through a plant medicine ceremony. Helen’s ability to guide you into the invisible aspects of yourself and then support you lovingly (yet firmly!) in the depth of your discomfort is truly remarkable. Helen always says what needs to be said. I’ve never met someone who is so committed to truth, liberation, and self-realization that she is willing to say the sometimes ugly/and painful truth — that if you’re ready to hear it, will lead to the healing, understanding, and transformation you have always been seeking. Thank you Helen, for holding a torch in the darkness so that all who are seeking freedom may come and ignite their own flame of awareness.

Helen’s shamanic sessions profoundly changed my life for the better. I’ve had four shamanic sessions, and each session was uniquely tailored to what I was looking to heal and resolve. In a short amount of time, I was able to clear years and even decades of personal, familial, and ancestral baggage I never thought I was able to let go of. As a result, I feel clearer, lighter, more energetic, and like my authentic self. I feel excited about life and I am using what I have gained from these sessions to help others on their healing journey. Working with Helen has had such an uplifting and refreshing impact on all areas of my life.

Detailed Program Outline

Subject to change based on the intentions of the participants and events of the retreat

On the Sunday before beginning there’s an optional but recommended day tour of Zurich, including a lake cruise and a visit to our famous Lindt chocolate factory - Get to know the other participants, settle into the surroundings and have some fun (and chocolate)!

Day 1:

  • Introduction to the week 
  • Healing/Chakras and Shamanic Journeying - Where are we going? And what are we going to do when we get there? 
  • Connect to your guides in the different worlds - learn how they can assist you

Day 2:

  • Psychic Protection and the practicalities of self-care - how do you hold your own in the eye of the storm? 
  • The client discussion - understanding and establishing the purpose, question and intent 
  • Scanning and the pre-healing diagnostic journey 

Day 3:

  • Crystals, Oils, Incense, Tools (permission slips and when/how they are useful) 
  • Extractions 
  • The Four Chamber Journey and Healing 

Day 4:

  • Journeying to the Ancestors 
  • The Soul Journey and the Chakras 
  • Soul Retrieval Overview 
  • Soul Retrieval

Day 5:

  • Destiny Retrieval 
  • Integration and Preparation for next steps 
  • Full Q&A and Review of the Week 
  • Group lunch to close 


  • What do I need to bring?

    Yourself, a notebook and pen, a crystal that you will allocate for this work, comfortable clothing, comfortable shoes (there are some nice walks nearby that can be taken in our breaks). Nope you don’t need a drum. On most days you will need to bring your own lunch, although there is a shop in the village.

  • Where will I be staying?

    It’s recommended that you stay in Affoltern am Albis. It’s a small town with a couple of hotels, numerous supermarkets (good for getting lunch and snacks) and restaurants, as well as a train/bus station.

  • How can I connect with the group?

    A WhatsApp group will be set up for the group to connect with each other and if participants want to discuss sharing accommodation/hire car (although a regular and punctual bus service goes between Affoltern and the village where we will have the retreat.

  • What else do I need to be aware of?

    Your well-being. Please remain finely attuned to the type of food/drink you need, the amount of rest and downtime in the evenings - and equally recognising when it would benefit you to socialise, or have your alone time. The skill of listening to yourself is crucial to the shamanic process

  • What do you advise for after the program?

    Not having too rushed, tight or fixed an agenda - if possible. Treat yourself like a baby, recognising what you need and giving yourself that. There are a couple of power spots that I’ll recommend to help with the integration process and to prepare you for your onward journey.


Registration closes JULY 22nd - LIMITED SPACES

👀 Please note if you are coming from abroad: This is the Summer Season in Switzerland and with only a couple of hotels in Affoltern am Albis, it's worth exploring your accommodation options before Registration closes on 22nd July.

There are also multiple AirBnBs in the area.

This document has been created to help you decide where you might like to stay: Retreat 2024 - Accomodation and Amenities.pdf

If you have any questions please bring them to the onboarding call!


$2200 paid in full


Or four monthly payments of $600

Discount for Hall of Mirrors/ Let’s Do This members

Enrol now by scheduling a short onboarding call with Helen to discuss the remaining details.


We will be meeting each day in the bright and fresh local yoga/pilates studio in the centre of the village, 30 seconds from the bus stop connecting the village with nearby towns.

Address: Valérie Fröhlich, Pilatusweg 3, 8914 Aeugst am Albis


For any questions email: [email protected]