The I Ching:

A 16-month program, where you work with a pair of hexagrams each fortnight

Let’s say that the crux of the Shift of Ages is the dissolution of—the perspective of—separation. This means a (literally) mind-blowing, if gradual, awakening to how we have related to the world outside our skin, i.e. that none of it is outside our skin at all.  


Adjusting to this change in perspective involves facing and transforming the bias, prejudice and conflict in our familial, cultural, societal and political lineages that exist within ourselves i.e. excavating our beliefs that have kept the perception of separation in place. This profound revaluation, I believe, can be achieved with a modern-day experiential study of the I Ching teachings...

With its first publication in the late-ninth-century BCE, the text was intended to advise leaders in the management of their subjects and land. Today, the I Ching can not only deliver us to inner peace and simplicity, it can push on the boundaries of binary thinking and prepare us for multidimensional awareness.

The Little Book of Self-Enquiry: Ancient Keys for a Modern Age by Helen Mosimann-Kogan

As the name indicates, this course is a key to the new paradigms, not only in thinking but in how you live your life.

Course Outline

  • An ideal course to hone in on how you relate to yourself, others and the world. Understand how inner conflict, confusion, misunderstanding and miscommunication actualise in your life - and have the opportunity to transform these obstacles to peace and equality

  • For the first two weeks of this course you will be taken through a comprehensive introduction to the I Ching; it's history, background, how the hexagrams are structured and how to facilitate a reading

  • From the second half of the first month, each fortnight you will receive information to consider about one pair of hexagrams

  • On alternating weeks there is an energy attunement to accompany the pair of hexagrams you have been working with - to help you process and transform the relevant themes

Course Outline

    1. Intro to the course and its structure

    1. Introducing the I Ching

    2. Background

    3. History

    4. I Ching Development

    5. To conclude this first part...

    6. References

    1. Duality, Trinity & Oneness

    2. Duality, Non-duality, Polarity

    3. Vedic, Vedanta and Tantric Philosophy

    4. Unity, Duality, Trinity and The Way

    5. Basics of the I Ching

    6. Exercise

    1. The Trigram Family

    2. The Creative - SKY

    3. The Receptive - EARTH

    4. The Arousing - THUNDER

    5. The Abysmal - WATER

    6. Keeping Still - MOUNTAIN

    7. The Gentle - WIND/WOOD

    8. The Clinging - FIRE

    9. The Joyous - LAKE

    10. Change - Movement - in the Trigrams:

    11. Additional Resources

    12. References and Bibliography

    1. Reading Hexagrams

    2. What to do in 5 Steps

    3. 1. Formulate your question

    4. 2. Build your hexagram

    5. 3. Build your second hexagram

    6. 4. Study the relationship/difference

    7. 5. Read the meaning

    8. Additional Viewing

    1. The Extraordinary I Ching and the Road Ahead

    2. AKNP and the choices you make

About this course

  • 227 lessons


Helen is available to deliver and support you with this course

Creator of TWRR, Mentor, Shamanic Facilitator, Author, Neuroscience Ph.D. Helen Mosimann-Kogan

As a mentor to coaches, therapists, and leaders, Helen is dedicated to illuminating the intricacies of the holographic nature of consciousness and reality. Her teachings delve into the transformative power of understanding the multidimensional self, guiding clients to explore the depths of their soul psychology. This exploration encompasses purpose, personal, familial, and collective themes, as well as the intricacies of karma. Helen's approach empowers individuals to embrace a heightened awareness, facilitating a journey towards living increasingly enriching and fulfilling lives.