Course Description

As we dissolve Old Paradigm perspectives of polarity, difference and separation, we recognise the need to recalibrate many of our long-standing, hereto rarely questioned beliefs.

It doesn’t get much bigger than our beliefs about life, death and transformation. Our beliefs about them are some of the most influential on our everyday actions, behaviours and all of our relationships.

This course offers you the opportunity to open a back door into your consciousness, recognise workings that you have hereto not been aware of and yet affect every decision you make…even every thought you have and every relationship you are part of.

Shining a light on these mysteries will unlock greater self-awareness because life,  death and transformation happening in every moment.

Like death, are you holding life at bay or ready to embrace it fully?

Love and death are the great gifts that are given to us;
mostly they are passed on unopened.

- Rainer Maria Rilke

Course Outline

    1. Welcome to Alpha-Omega: Part 1

    2. Our Schedule

    1. Alpha Omega Part 1: Introduction

    2. Background: Beginning with the end and lots of questions!

    3. Things to do: Written Exercise

    4. Energy Attunement - Meditation

    1. The Stages of Bereavement, Loss, Grief and Transformation

    2. Death and Life - Wrong and Right

    3. Death and The Transformational Journey through Life

    4. Energy Attunement - Meditation

    1. Completion: Living in Connection

    2. Things to do: Written Exercise

    3. Energy Attunement - Meditation

    1. Things to do

    2. Energy Attunement - Meditation

    1. Perspective

    2. LIP (live in peace) with Passion and Purpose: Meditation

About this course

  • $333.00
  • 20 lessons

Purchase Options

As this is a one week course, full payment is required before commencement