You receive:

  • Ongoing support for your professional development and delivery of TWRR courses

  • Five 90-minute one:one calls each year to discuss your experience and progress (Jan, Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec)

  • Annual participation in the TWRR AGM: In 2023 this will be from 11th-18th August in Zurich, Switzerland!

  • An annual theme that will inform the study and exercises required for the year (the cost of purchasing source material is not covered in the membership fee)

  • The opportunity to contribute to the By the Light of the Moon discussion area

  • Access to the Hall of Mirrors Community

  • For licensees, a new contract to review, sign and return to update your certification

Hall of Mirrors

The professional development membership for The White Rabbit Reveals' and non-affiliated consultants, facilitators and guides

The required membership for licenced consultants to be able to deliver TWRR courses - to ensure ongoing personal and professional development.

Membership Discovery Call with Helen

Learn more before you join...

Schedule a call with Helen to discover the Hall of Mirrors Membership, and how it can best support you.