See the course page for full description

You would benefit from having some experience of delivering hands-on energy work,
 for example, training in Reiki levels 1 & 2, before the middle of the second year. 

Price Includes:

  • Two, two-hour monthly group calls

  • One, monthly 90-minute individual consult

  • Learn to host calls

  • Learn to facilitate long-distance energy work

  • First year online 'retreat': 5 consecutive days of Alpha-Omega: 1 (group calls of 2-3 hours with additional material, exercises and meditation)

  • Second year online 'retreat': 5 group calls as we work with the Healing Spirits of the Four Directions and you learn to facilitate hands on energy work

Purchase Options

You have the option to pay in full or pay in instalments


This course is facilitated by Helen

Creator of TWRR, Mentor, Shamanic Facilitator, Author, Neuroscience Ph.D. Helen Mosimann-Kogan

As a mentor to coaches, therapists, and leaders, Helen is dedicated to illuminating the intricacies of the holographic nature of consciousness and reality. Her teachings delve into the transformative power of understanding the multidimensional self, guiding clients to explore the depths of their soul psychology. This exploration encompasses purpose, personal, familial, and collective themes, as well as the intricacies of karma. Helen's approach empowers individuals to embrace a heightened awareness, facilitating a journey towards living increasingly enriching and fulfilling lives.

Essential Reading

Also recommended is Why We Think The Way We Do And How To Change It by Thomas Garvey & Dr Helen Kogan